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IUPAT District Council 36 Mission Statement

The decisions that affect us as IUPAT-DC36 members are inherently political decisions. That is why the IUPAT-DC36 has a comprehensive program to ensure that our voices are heard at all levels of government—local, state, and national. We strive to elect candidates who support us and the important work we do. We also work with elected officials to make sure our voice is heard through our lobbying and advocacy.

Working to pass legistation

We actively engage with our signatory contractors to seek input on legislation that will be mutually beneficial to them and our members. This process includes:

  • Taking findings to have bills written by legal counsel
  • Shopping the bill to the best sponsor (State Senators, Assembly members, etc.)
  • Lobbying for the bill through the legislative process
  • Attending committee hearings for the bill
  • Advocating for the signage of the bill by the Governor

IUPAT-DC36 leaders and staff work diligently to make our voice heard on issues that impact us. Members of Congress, state legislators, and the Governor’s Office are lobbied to ensure that health and safety standards, labor standards, project labor agreements, and community workforce agreements are considered on all public works projects.


When state legislatures are in session, IUPAT-DC36 leaders and staff bring our members’ issues to elected officials. Whether advocating for members’ pay, benefits, and working conditions, or stopping legislation that would harm our members and their work, the IUPAT-DC36 lobbying team works gavel to gavel to represent members at the legislature.


The IUPAT-DC36 candidate recommendation process involves extensive research, conducting interviews, and an exhaustive process to bring you the best candidate recommendations.

Candidate recommendations are nonpartisan and are grounded on issues, NOT on political party.

  • IUPAT-DC36 staff interviews candidates of both parties about their positions on issues that affect our members and the work you do.
  • Staff considers the candidates’ interview responses, public statements, community service, and any voting records.
  • Based on this research, IUPAT-DC36 staff makes a recommendation to the BMST.
  • IUPAT-DC36 PAC uses mailings, e-mails, and meetings to communicate those recommendations to our members.

IUPAT-DC36 collaborates with fellow unions, community groups, and other key stakeholders to create leverage in the permit process for the inclusion of project labor agreements and community workforce agreements.

Levels of government include:

  • County government; Boards of Supervisors
  • City government; City councils
  • School Boards
  • Waterboards
The Bottom Line

Our priorities are your paycheck, your pension, your medical benefits, and working conditions—NOT wedge issues. Wedge issues are divisive and make it harder to create and sustain a robust middle class.

Vote for your paycheck.